Comics Writing

& Research

Orcid No: 0000-0001-7167-8255

I am a practice-based researcher using comics to produce insights into issues around embodiment and trace, the technological remediation of materiality, narratology and genre, and archives and generative technology.

I gained a PhD from Central Saint Martins, UAL in 2024 with a thesis entitled Embodied Responses to Materiality in the Making and Reading of Comics, which was supported by a Techne AHRC scholarship.

My research interests include materiality and embodiment, small press and underground comics, conversations between fine art and comics, and the affect of technology on ideas around embodiment and narrative drawing.

I serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics.



Winner of the 2024 Sabin Award for Comics Scholarship for the best doctoral paper presented at the International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference - The Auteur as Algorithm - Subjectivity, Trace and Automation in Comics Self-Publishing Practice.

Journal Articles and Reviews

Materiality and metalepsis in handmade small press alternative comics, Studies in Comics 14.2, DOI:

Book Review : Drawing from the archives, comics memory and the contemporary graphic novel by Benoît Crucifix, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2024.2302444

Book Review : Ilan Manouach in Review – Critical Approaches To His Conceptual Comics International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793)

Stylistic co-existence and the chronotope in Stone Fruit and onwards towards our noble deaths, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2023.2262001

Soaking as a method of representing memory across/between/through/against the illustrated page – Colouring In, Issue 3 - The Past ISSN 2752-9533

Book Review: Szép, Eszter. Comics and the Body: Drawing, Reading, and Vulnerability (2020) ImageText Journal 14.1 ISSN: 1549-6732

Book Review: Key Terms in Comics Studies, Erin La Cour, Simon Grennan and Rik Spanjers (eds) (2022) Studies in Comics Volume 13 Numbers 1 & 2 DOI:

Dwelling with Traumatic Memory through Embodied Drawing in the Structure of Graphic Novels - MHRA WORKING PAPERS IN THE HUMANITIES 17 On Forgetting - December 2022

Conference Papers and Research Presentations.

Haptic Visuality, Embodiment and Technology in Superman’s Pal, The New Jimmy Olsen and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Comics Forum 2023, Leeds Central Library.

Research Seminar: Comics, Embodied Trace and Haptic Encounter, from Artifact of Reproduction to Algorithmic Outcome Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures, University of Leeds, 13th November 2024,

The Auteur as Algorithm – Subjectivity, Trace and Automation in Comics Self-Publishing Practice - International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference 2024, University of East Anglia.

Hybrid Traces of Fact and Fiction in Graphic Autobiography - Auto / Bio / Fictional Graphic Narratives: A Symposium, Centre for Comparative Literature, Goldsmiths University, London, 26th June 2024.

The Stitch, the scratch, the stain, and the burn - Comics Productions Research Day - Stitching, Inking, Photocopying, University of Ghent, 13th March 2024

From Streaming to Stapling – Small Press Re-presentations of Cinema in the 21st Century as Drawing Theory and as Fan Practice - Comics Forum 2023, Leeds Central Library.

Materiality and Metalepsis in Small Press Comics and Its Communities - IGNCC & IBDS Joint Conference 2023, University of Cambridge

Materials as Methodology: The Action of Soaking as a Method of Representing Memory Haptically. Paper in the seminar “Comics Materialities: Towards New Possibilities of Reading, Looking and Feeling” 17th -18th March 2023 at the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Chicago.

Soaking as a Method of representing Memory across/between/through/against the Comic's Page. Colouring In: The Past - 9th December 2022 Chelsea School of Art, UAL -

Embodied trace and psychological space – How embodied mark making creates alternative narratological space in comics. IGNCC & IBDS Joint Conference 2022, IADT Dun Laoghaire

On The Same Page Materiality in Comics, Artists Books and Concrete Poetry - IGNCC & IBDS Joint Conference 2021, University of Cambridge